Monday, May 6, 2013

Big Boy Toys

It's no secret that all boys love their toys (including grown men!) and it appears that my son is not going to be the exception.  He can't get enough of Pap's four-wheeler!

 He even thinks he should be allowed to drive it himself...

And if that isn't bad enough- my father took him on his first motorcycle ride last weekend.

What can I say- he's a little man through and through!!  (Although as you may have noticed in these photos, we are in desperate need of a Jonathan-sized helmet- if anyone hears of one for sale, please let us know!)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Play Ball!

This spring, Nate has been playing for our church's first-ever softball team in a local league.  His games are usually Tuesdays and Thursdays, and because I am at dance, Jonathan has been to every game.  Needless to say, our little "Monkey-see-monkey-do" Daddy's boy has a new interest in anything relating to bats and balls:

We are still trying to teach Jonathan how to be a team player...

... but at least he knows to run the bases as soon as he hits an imaginary ball out of the park!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Busy Week

So I have been (justly) accused of never updating this blog, so hopefully the amount of pictures I am about post will make up for some of the lost time!

It has been a very busy week at the Hedricks... Nate was out of town at a big archery shoot (Brag Moment: my wonderful husband has been recently blessed with a well-deserved promotion at work that includes more responsibilities that fit right in line with his natural skills and a new schedule that he loves!), so Jonathan and I were left to ourselves.  To keep busy, we began working on learning our COLORS!!!!  Our official Weekend of Red was to commence on Friday, however, Jonathan ended up getting sick, so we had to consolidate to just one Day of Red.

We put together a bucket of red items for Jonathan to play with all weekend.  Since it was so nice out, we scattered the items through the yard to have a scavenger hunt.

However, Jonathan decided that he would much rather have Pap push him on the swing (which, hey, is red so it counts) and did concede to a wagon ride (also red).

We wound down the day with a red bath (thanks,  Jonathan loved it!

On Sunday, we took advantage of Charter Day at the PA Railroad Museum right in Strasburg.  Jonathan loved all of the big "choochoos"!

He was also very interested in the giant head...

We went outside to explore the tracks...

And they even had a Thomas to ride on!!!!

We were happy to have Daddy come home safe and sound on Monday and spent the day recouping from all of  the busyness...... only to be off again Tuesday for Jonathan's very first haircut!!!  It was a very special trip to Baltimore to see a very special barber named Greg who gave Nate his first haircut almost 27 years ago!  Greg also has been the favorite barber of Jonathan's Grandpap (Robert) and Great-Grandpap (Johnny), making this a 4th Generation Haircut!

"Look how long Mommy and Daddy let my hair grow!" (bad parents!)

Not entirely sure we can trust the strange man with the sharp scissors!

Look how handsome!  Thanks, Mr. Greg :)

Needless to say, the busyness of the last few days has left Jonathan tired enough to take an extra long nap, which is why I am able to upload so many pictures!!!  I'll do my best to be a more regular updater :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Jonathan is 10 Months!

Dear Jonathan,

You are 10 months old!  This past month you began taking your first steps.  You are still not always completely sure of yourself, but you grow more confident in your new-found walking abilities everyday! 

You are beginning to say your first words too... "Dada" taking the number one spot!  You also love to yell, "Dog!" (which sounds more like "DAAA!!") everytime you see one or any other four-legged animal for that matter.  Still waiting for a Mama though...

When you aren't using your mouth to communicate, you are busy utilizing your skills at sign language.  Your favorite phrase is "more"- not surprising as I can barely keep enough food in the house to keep you satisfied!  It is amazing how much you eat... veggies, fruits, bread, yogurt (your favorite), cheese, and even meats.  You are even becoming quite proficient with drinking out of your sippy cup.

I love watching you grow so much, and everyday I am so amazed at your blossoming personality.  Your cheerfulness and sense of humor fill my days with so much joy!!


First Trip to the Zoo: Jonathan as compared to the size of a polar bear.

Jonathan checking out the wolves at the zoo... "DAAA!!!"

Terrorizing the living room

Climbing the stairs like a big boy!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Jonathan is 9 Months!

Dear Jonathan,

You are officially at the 3/4 mark for you first year- 9 months!!!  Each month you grow faster and faster and accomplish more things every day it seems.  The last two months have been filled with new "firsts"- your first (and second) tooth, your first trip to the beach, your first finger foods, your first car breakdown, and your first camping trip.  You have a bunch of new tricks up your sleeve- you wave hello and goodbye, you can pull yourself to standing, you can climb stairs, and you can even walk when someone is holding your hands.  You are even starting to get a little bigger.  Even though we haven't had you measured in a while, you are now (finally!) wearing size 2 diapers and some of your 3-6month clothes are getting a little tight... at least length-wise. 

Right now your favorite toys are anything that rolls or that you can push.  We bought you a small basketball hoop with three little balls at a yard sale for $2, and it may have been the best investment I have ever made.  You love to watch the balls go through the hoop and then chase them all around the floor.  You also love your "walker" which you push all over the house.  It also plays music, which you love.  Whenever it comes on, you stop and start 'dancing'- this funny sort of bouncing motion and sometimes you throw a little arm wave in to mix it up.  You seem to especially like dancing to techno music, much to Daddy's delight.

You love to be outside.  When you get cranky, we sit on the front porch, and you wave to all the cars that drive by.  You like to sit in the grass where you always try to pick the grass and put it in your mouth.  Sometimes we go over to Grammy and Pap's house to get in the pool.  You like the water a lot, but you are not of sharing the pool with others... especially when those others are small children that like to splash water all over the place.

It is amazing how much you are not only growing physically but mentally and morally as well.  You are well aquainted with the word "No".  You never enjoy hearing it and don't hesitate to protest.  You even demonstrate that you remember certain objects are off limits.  Almost daily, you inch yourself towards the 'Kinect' whenever you think that I am not looking.  Usually, I move you away with a firm "No" and you burst into tears.  A few days ago, however, when you started heading toward the 'Kinect' and I said "No", you turned around to look at me like you were going to cry, thought for a minute, and, composing yourself, crawled back over to me.  I was so proud!!  I hope that as you get older, you will continue to make good choices, knowing that the boundaries I hold you to are in your best interests.

As always, your Daddy and I love you so much and are thoroughly enjoying our first summer together with you!!!


Not loving the ocean... but he did like the sand!

Just like Daddy :)

Jonathan loves icecream!

Camping is hard work

Our new thing is crawling into places that are a challenge to get out of

Jonathan playing with his "walker"... check out his sweet dance moves!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jonathan is 7 Months Old!

Dear Jonathan,

          Another month has gone by so quickly!  Every day you are becoming more and more inquisitive and adventurous.  Your latest accomplishment is you newfound ability to scoot around on your belly.  You love being mobile!  I have to be careful where I set you down because you always seem to find something that you shouldn't be playing with! 
          Just a few short months ago, I used to be able to play games of peekabo with you and you would be so shocked and surprised to see me reappear again and again.  Now when I leave the room, not only do you know that I still exist, you scoot yourself into the next room to find me!  I am so surprised at how clever you are!
          You are a little fearless... Daddy throws you up higher and higher in the air and, although my heart stops in fear, you just laugh and scream as though you are having the time of your life.  Daddy loves spending time playing with you!
          You had another doctors appointment this month.  You finally weigh 12 pounds!  You are such a lightweight, but you love to eat anything with fruit in it.  Maybe if you stopped wriggling around so much you would put on a few more pounds! 
          As always, I love you so much and pray everyday that you will always have the energy you do now- and that I will have the energy to keep up with you!!


Driving Mommy and Daddy safely home from West Virginia
Trying out the bed on my first sleepover at a hotel
Trying to escape our photo shoot!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Jonathan is 6 Months Old!

Dear Jonathan,
          You are officially half-way through the first year of your life!  It's so amazing how you have changed my life in so many ways... sometimes its hard for me to remember that there was a time before you were born.  (I am holding you as I write this and after writing that last sentence, I look down to see that your diaper has just leaked on me.  And then as I proceed to lift you up to inspect the damage to my pants, you spit up on me...  yay, motherhood!) 
          Even in this last month, I am amazed by your many physical accomplishments.  You have become quite accurate in reaching and grabbing any item that you may desire.  You have yet to crawl, but somehow you always manage to scoot yourself to new far off places... I can no longer leave you alone!  About a week ago, you learned to sit all by yourself.  This new-found ability really makes you look like a "big boy". 
          You are becoming more and more animated.  You take great pleasure in delighting everyone around you with your smiles, squeals, and, most recently, nose wrinkles.  I can see your sense of humor developing as you make faces at me that you know will make me laugh.
          You have expanded your food repertoire from just cereal to bananas, apples, pears, squash, peas, carrots, and sweet potatoes.  Your favorite food is the pears, but you despise the peas.  You wrinkled up your entire face and spit them all back out onto me.  However, you don't realize it yet, but I have been secretly mixing them in with your cereal to get you to eat them.
          You are quite the problem solver.  One of our favorite games to play with you is "Where's the Baby?"  Daddy throws a blanket on you and you used to kick and move your arms until you triumphantly emerged from underneath.  However, you have now discovered that it is much more efficient to simply roll over and allow the blanket to fall off of your face.  Despite the expedited process, you appear to be equally pleased with yourself.  You seem to have quite a solid grasp on cause and effect.  You love to drop items, lean over to see where they land, and then wait (not so) patiently for me to pick them up and hand them back to you only to repeat the process again.  And again.  And again.
          It still melts my insides every time you smile at me.  But this month, you finally did what my heart has been craving for- you reached for me!  I love that you stretch your arms forward towards me as though I am the one person in the world that can make everything right for you.  Daddy is still your favorite person to play with, but I relish the fact that when you want to cuddle, its Mommy that you want.
          Everyday I take at least one moment to stare into your beautiful face, and I become so overwhelmed by my intense love for you, my son.  And then I remember that God loves you even more than I do- and it is just too much for me to comprehend.  I cherish every minute that God has given me to be your mom.  I cannot think of a more wonderful calling.  You are so precious and so valued and I can hardly wait to see in what ways you will continue to amaze me over the next six months.  I love you so so much!